Sunday, May 17, 2015
Squatch Kick! - One Hard-Working Couple, With a Goal, On an Organic Mission
Posted by Charles | Sunday, May 17, 2015 | crowd fund, crowd funding, emily cronch, farm, kickstarter, nostalgia, organic farming, ranch, rob schoch, russell hill ranch
Thursday, May 7, 2015
Squatch hunt for Thursday - May 7th, 2015
Posted by Charles | Thursday, May 07, 2015 | Anubias Enterprise LLC, cameron lewis, crafts, crowdfunding, glass, jin kim, kickstarter, roy mottram, sonya bumgardner, squatch hunt, sue mottram, woodworking
Well, it's Thursday, again, and that means that it's time for another Squatch hunt.
This time around, we look at four projects from the Crafts section of Kickstarter, one of which is under the sub-category of Woodworking and another that is under the sub-category of Glass.
Kickstarter project creators are always on the prowl for advantages, in order to help their crowdfunding project succeed. However, where a lot of project creators go wrong is that they hit the launch button on their project too soon.
These Squatch Hunts continue to encounter a lot of projects launched prematurely. A lot of projects make the same mistakes as many crowdfunding projects that came before them. This indicates that many project creators are not really bothering with doing even a cursory amount of research, prior to hitting the launch button. This approach can easily lead to a crash trajectory, from a funding standpoint.
This week's Squatch Hunt selections are notable in that none of the four projects selected had project videos, at the time that I posted my predictions for them. If you're out there and you're reading this, keep in mind that your project can't get any kind of a backer of pledge boost from a video that doesn't exist.
If you're nervous or apprehensive about making a project video, while you never want to have a bad project video, what you want even less is to have no video, at all. A good project video can not only help you to meet your crowdfunding project's funding goal that you set for it, it can help you to exceed that goal. What that translates into is extra money for you, when all is said and done.
Section: Woodworking
Sorted by: Newest
Candidate: Black Market Guitars
0 Backers
0% funded
$0.00 pledged of $10,000 goal
59 days to go
Prediction: FAIL
Actual Outcome: FAILED
Section: Crafts
Sorted by: Newest
Candidate: Scorpion Custom Engraving - Motorcycle casings & parts
0 Backers
0% funded
$0 pledged of $1,519 goal
29 days to go
Prediction: SUCCEED
Actual Outcome: FAILED
Section: Glass
Sorted by: Newest
Candidate: BustedBegonias seeks kiln
1 Backers
0% funded
$0 pledged of $6,000 goal
29 days to go
Prediction: FAIL
Actual Outcome: FAILED
Section: Crafts
Sorted by: Newest
Candidate: Fablossom Craft Kit: Design/Create Fabric Flower Accessories
0 Backers
0% funded
$0 pledged of $6,000 goal
31 days to go
Prediction: SUCCEED
Actual Outcome: SUCCEEDED
This time around, we look at four projects from the Crafts section of Kickstarter, one of which is under the sub-category of Woodworking and another that is under the sub-category of Glass.
Kickstarter project creators are always on the prowl for advantages, in order to help their crowdfunding project succeed. However, where a lot of project creators go wrong is that they hit the launch button on their project too soon.
These Squatch Hunts continue to encounter a lot of projects launched prematurely. A lot of projects make the same mistakes as many crowdfunding projects that came before them. This indicates that many project creators are not really bothering with doing even a cursory amount of research, prior to hitting the launch button. This approach can easily lead to a crash trajectory, from a funding standpoint.
This week's Squatch Hunt selections are notable in that none of the four projects selected had project videos, at the time that I posted my predictions for them. If you're out there and you're reading this, keep in mind that your project can't get any kind of a backer of pledge boost from a video that doesn't exist.
If you're nervous or apprehensive about making a project video, while you never want to have a bad project video, what you want even less is to have no video, at all. A good project video can not only help you to meet your crowdfunding project's funding goal that you set for it, it can help you to exceed that goal. What that translates into is extra money for you, when all is said and done.
Section: Woodworking
Sorted by: Newest
Candidate: Black Market Guitars
0 Backers
0% funded
$0.00 pledged of $10,000 goal
59 days to go
Prediction: FAIL
Actual Outcome: FAILED
Section: Crafts
Sorted by: Newest
Candidate: Scorpion Custom Engraving - Motorcycle casings & parts
0 Backers
0% funded
$0 pledged of $1,519 goal
29 days to go
Prediction: SUCCEED
Actual Outcome: FAILED
Section: Glass
Sorted by: Newest
Candidate: BustedBegonias seeks kiln
1 Backers
0% funded
$0 pledged of $6,000 goal
29 days to go
Prediction: FAIL
Actual Outcome: FAILED
Section: Crafts
Sorted by: Newest
Candidate: Fablossom Craft Kit: Design/Create Fabric Flower Accessories
0 Backers
0% funded
$0 pledged of $6,000 goal
31 days to go
Prediction: SUCCEED
Actual Outcome: SUCCEEDED
Thursday, April 30, 2015
Squatch Hunt for Thursday - April 30th, 2015
Posted by Charles | Thursday, April 30, 2015 | Alexandra 'Kate' Rivers, dowling house bar & grille, Frank Papafotiou, Josh Bagley, Lora Carletto, nibbles nibbles nosh, squatch hunt, twist cupcakery, zappy coffee
Squatch Kick presents to you this week's Squatch Hunt candidates, projects on Kickstarter that I have used the Kickstarter website's search functions to select for me using the Newest search option, that I might predict success or failure for these crowd funding projects, based upon what I see on their respective project pages during my initial visit to them.
Project pages can change, at any time, depending upon the whims and the motivation of the project creators. The point of these Squatch Hunts is not to explain why I think that a given project will fail or succeed, but rather, merely to try and predict the eventual outcome of crowdfunding campaigns, based upon the initial look and feel of the project pages and their respective videos, if there are any.
In other words, which projects have squatch and which ones don't. Squatch is that which makes your project page bigger or better - and thus, more likely to get funded.
Section: Food
Sorted by: Newest
Candidate: Zappy Coffee Maker
0 Backers
0% funded
$0.00 pledged of $47,000 goal
59 days to go
Prediction: FAIL
Actual Outcome: FAILED
Section: Food
Sorted by: Newest
Candidate: Twist Cupcakery
3 Backers
1% funded
$140 pledged of $6,000 goal
31 days to go
Prediction: SUCCEED
Actual Outcome: SUCCEEDED
Section: Food
Sorted by: Newest
Candidate: It's Time ........ for Nibbles Nibbles Nibbles NOSH!
1 Backers
0% funded
$100 pledged of $100,000 goal
29 days to go
Prediction: FAIL
Actual Outcome: FAILED
Section: Food
Sorted by: Newest
Candidate: The Dowling House Bar & Grill
0 Backers
0% funded
$0 pledged of $100,000 goal
59 days to go
Prediction: FAIL
Actual Outcome: FAILED
Project pages can change, at any time, depending upon the whims and the motivation of the project creators. The point of these Squatch Hunts is not to explain why I think that a given project will fail or succeed, but rather, merely to try and predict the eventual outcome of crowdfunding campaigns, based upon the initial look and feel of the project pages and their respective videos, if there are any.
In other words, which projects have squatch and which ones don't. Squatch is that which makes your project page bigger or better - and thus, more likely to get funded.
Section: Food
Sorted by: Newest
Candidate: Zappy Coffee Maker
0 Backers
0% funded
$0.00 pledged of $47,000 goal
59 days to go
Prediction: FAIL
Actual Outcome: FAILED
Section: Food
Sorted by: Newest
Candidate: Twist Cupcakery
3 Backers
1% funded
$140 pledged of $6,000 goal
31 days to go
Prediction: SUCCEED
Actual Outcome: SUCCEEDED
Section: Food
Sorted by: Newest
Candidate: It's Time ........ for Nibbles Nibbles Nibbles NOSH!
1 Backers
0% funded
$100 pledged of $100,000 goal
29 days to go
Prediction: FAIL
Actual Outcome: FAILED
Section: Food
Sorted by: Newest
Candidate: The Dowling House Bar & Grill
0 Backers
0% funded
$0 pledged of $100,000 goal
59 days to go
Prediction: FAIL
Actual Outcome: FAILED
Crowdfunding Tip # 13 - Your ace in the hole
Posted by Charles | Thursday, April 30, 2015 | crowd funding, crowdfunding, enthusiasm, gain advantage, kickstarter, tip, tips
It's possible to launch a crowdfunding project with minimal effort put into it, and succeed. However, what is possible and what is likely are two different things, entirely.
The problem that a lot of Kickstarter projects face is that their creators often enter their respective crowdfunding undertakings, without really having a clue of what they are doing. They simply see Kickstarter as a place of possibilities - which it is, but many of them just plain don't have a clue as to where to start, how to proceed, or how to gain advantage, as far as getting their pet project funded successfully by the public masses through Kickstarter.
No matter who you are, and no matter what kind of crowdfunding project that you have, there is one ace in the hole that is always at your disposal - provided that you're prepared to grab hold of it and not let go.
That ace in the hole is something called enthusiasm!
Enthusiasm, you see, is contagious. But, if you don't have enthusiasm for your own project, then who will? Most likely, no one, that's who.
Which is why it is all the more important that YOU have enthusiasm for your own project.
It should be plain. It should be clear. It should be as obvious as the nose on your face - even more so, in fact.
What is enthusiasm? In layman's terms, as it applies to a crowdfunding project, enthusiasm is the very essence of the power of persuasion.
With faith, you can move mountains. With enthusiasm, you can conquer the world. You do want to be on top of the world, at the end of your crowd funding campaign, don't you? Well, what do you think the rocket fuel is that is most likely to get you there? It's enthusiasm!
As I browse the fertile fields of the Kickstarter website, I encounter all kinds of different crowdfunding projects. Some really have a way of twisting your head and grabbing your eye. Others, however, often appear to be bone dry of enthusiasm. Basically, they are crowdfunding projects in name only. They're just sort of drifting along, hoping like Hell that a crowd will materialize out of thin air and miraculously save them from failing.
Some projects just ooze enthusiasm. These are the ones that scream at you, in some way, shape, or form. They don't just get your attention - they command it! These are the ones that you not only want to succeed, but which move you to help them succeed. These are the ones that leave no real room for doubt, as to whether they will succeed or not. They have success written all over them, and all because somebody bothered to bring along a little enthusiasm.
Enthusiasm is a lot like the splitting or the fusing of atoms. It's power, and it's power in spades! Enthusiasm is the exact opposite of "a little." By its very nature, it is a driving force, and it is a force that can be harnessed for the good of your crowdfunding campaign.
How much does it cost? Nothing, nothing at all. It's free for the taking. It's free for the having. It's free to use. It's possible to have an unlimited amount of it.
Be forewarned, however, that if you grab hold of enthusiasm, your crowdfunding project will never be the same, again.
You've been warned!
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Hero Or Villain: New Equipment
Posted by Charles | Tuesday, April 28, 2015 | crowdfunding, food truck, hero or villain, kickstarter, Richard Yahyah Zemola, super villain, superhero
As someone who has a long term love affair with the superhero comic book medium, imagine my delight as I happened upon the Hero Or Villain: New Equipment project, while browsing crowdfunding projects under the Food category on the Kickstarter website.
It is a great day when people take a theme and run with it. This project oozes creativity. Take the concept of hero sub-sandwiches, and all of a sudden, you've got both heroes and villains - superhero sandwiches and super villain sandwiches. What could be more lovely than that?
They've already got a food truck up and running. It even already has a superhero and super villain wrap on it, providing eye-grabbing imagery to get people's attention. People being people, somebody is always hungry, no matter where this thing roams and prowls the streets, in its never-ending quest to serve up some tasty food. Talk about saving the day!
This Kickstarter has a decent project video, starting off with a full embrace of the underlying theme, and transitioning mid-way through to the project creators giving a good explanation of why they need to crowdfund some repairs and upgrades to their super-powered food truck.
Will you be one of their heroes, and back this project, that their day might be saved?
Or will you be one of the many villains of the crowdfunding universe, and pass them by in their hour of need?
I really wish that they would increase the visual punch of the project page, by adding more photos or art, but let it not be said that the picture of their food truck, which serves as the actual project image, does not set the tone, as one sets about the task of soaking up what they have to say on that page.
The overall superhero theme is worked into the rewards section of the page, and these daring do-gooders of the food service industry make quick work of explaining both their short term goals and their long term goals.
Now, does this mean that the future holds a sequel, somewhere down the road? Possibly. One can only hope.
Their project video does a superb job, I feel, of demonstrating why they need a newer, quieter generator for their food truck.
I just hope that they do a few video updates, as this crowdfunding project progresses, replete with their take on superheros and super villains in action, for some amateur super-powered fun - that the fun factor of this project can be exploited to its maximum potential. I really think that they have a much better chance of getting this project shared on social media, that way.
Unless, of course, ChefBatman has retired his tights, already.
I'm backing this one!
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