Squatch Kick - Tips & Articles for Crowdfunding

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Four-Legged Bird Public Mural Project
Project Creator:  Jason Jones

Talk about fantastically delightful, this little Kickstarter project is a quaint, yet rousing, utilization of imagination writ large - a wall mural project that has a very functional use. It makes sense, it has a very achievable funding goal, and it is a wonderful example of using art to effectuate a positive change of the status quo.

Here, the status quo is a wall. Namely, it is the exterior wall of a building which enjoys the magnificent good fortune of being located right next to a fast flowing river of cars and trucks, smack dab beside a highway that is busy, busy, busy!

What can I say? My imagination loves robots! 'Twas the project image that caught my eye, but it is the mural concept, itself, that seized my enthusiasm.

The project page for this particular Kickstarter is a robust example of how to use imagery to capture the human eye, and to retain the attention of page visitors. My eye lingers, it darts across the tall page of images that cement my interest to this project. Kickstarter is a visual medium, and this particular project page just oozes with elements of visual interest.

Ironically enough, the proposed mural image was a bit less grand that I would have hoped for. I only wonder whether it will focus the attention of all of that traffic upon the shop, itself, which sits on the other side of that wall upon which the mural will grace with its forthcoming presence, or whether it will simply be a moment of visual grandeur on the way to somewhere else.

But, make no mistake - this is a crowd funding project that holds great merit. I am drawn to it, even beyond the visual variety of the project page, to the project, itself. Indeed, how can one not be drawn to a mural? It is art that is larger than life, art that not only aspires to be big, but is big. Big, I tell you! BIG!!

The people behind this project, both the mural artist and the shop owners, have a certain flair to them. They take a great picture!

Smiles, and youth, and color. They have the equivalent of visual vigor! They make a great video. They make a persuasive case. I am sold on what the four-legged bird has to say.

And, what about that name for their place of business? The Four-Legged Bird - Tell me that isn't cute. It's a fanciful name, and if a shop with a fanciful name doesn't warrant a mural project to be associated with it, then pray tell me, what manner of shop does?

None, that I can think of!

It is said that the early bird gets the worm. Well, what about the four-legged bird? I'll tell you what a bird of that nature gets - It gets backed!

But, even more than that, what this quadruped of the fowl variety gets is Squatch kicked!

You see that big mass of blank wall? That right there is the problem in need of a fix. The wall isn't falling apart, so don't make the mistake of assuming that, therefore, it isn't in need of anything. Indeed, it is, and what it needs is to be made better use of.

And it can do that by serving as host to a decorative, colorful mural, one with visual impact, one which catches the eye of passers-by. Because plain isn't good enough, that's why!

Why settle for visual mediocrity? That's not anyone's definition of beauty - not anyone that I ever met, anyway.

But, what of the muralist's other work, you ask? How do we know that he is up to the task at hand?

By taking a moment or three out to behold that which he has wrought, before. That's how!

How many buildings are in the world? And, of those, how many are plain Janes, bereft of visual delight? Art is a portal of infinite doorways to the mind, to the heart, and even to the uttermost depths of the human soul.

Art serves a purpose. It motivates. It inspires. It makes people feel better. It makes the world a far more beautiful place.

Indeed, imagine the world without it, if you can. I can't. Honestly, I really can't.

Nor would I want to!

A four-legged bird might just have one heck of a kick. This one does, anyway. It has a kick with the visual heft of a Squatch behind it!

To the trio involved with this project, I just had to toss my two cents worth in about this project with four legs.

If you happen upon this article and do nothing else, at least take a few moments out to watch the project video for this Kickstarter. This mural needs to take flight! You can join me in helping that to happen.

To help this four-legged bird fly a little higher in the Kickstarter sky, I'm Squatch Kicking this thing!

Do the right thing, and ruffle both wallet and purse feathers, alike, that this project - this mural - may take flight!

Project: Four-Legged Bird Public Mural Project
Project Creator: Jason Jones
Kicktraq Link
Kickspy Link


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