Squatch Kick - Tips & Articles for Crowdfunding

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Squatch Kick presents to you this week's Squatch Hunt candidates, projects on Kickstarter that I have used the Kickstarter website's search functions to select for me using the Newest search option, that I might predict success or failure for these crowd funding projects, based upon what I see on their respective project pages during my initial visit to them.

Project pages can change, at any time, depending upon the whims and the motivation of the project creators. The point of these Squatch Hunts is not to explain why I think that a given project will fail or succeed, but rather, merely to try and predict the eventual outcome of crowdfunding campaigns, based upon the initial look and feel of the project pages and their respective videos, if there are any.

In other words, which projects have squatch and which ones don't. Squatch is that which makes your project page bigger or better - and thus, more likely to get funded.

Section: Food
Sorted by: Newest
Candidate: Zappy Coffee Maker

0 Backers
0% funded
$0.00 pledged of $47,000 goal
59 days to go 

Prediction: FAIL
Actual Outcome: FAILED

Section: Food
Sorted by: Newest
Candidate: Twist Cupcakery

3 Backers
1% funded
$140 pledged of $6,000 goal
31 days to go

Prediction: SUCCEED
Actual Outcome: SUCCEEDED

Section: Food
Sorted by: Newest
Candidate: It's Time ........ for Nibbles Nibbles Nibbles NOSH!

1 Backers
0% funded
$100 pledged of $100,000 goal
29 days to go 

Prediction: FAIL
Actual Outcome: FAILED

Section: Food
Sorted by: Newest
Candidate: The Dowling House Bar & Grill


0 Backers
0% funded
$0 pledged of $100,000 goal
59 days to go 

Prediction: FAIL
Actual Outcome: FAILED


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